Whoredra Transformation (r38 Hydra Update)

You had seen the town whore around Haven plenty of times.  A two-headed pink-scaled hydra, she had been affectionately named The Whoredra by Haven’s populace.  When you decide to give her a go, you get more than you bargained for when her pimp, Anica, offers a free fuck in exchange for working off the debt.  Anica merges you into the Whoredra’s body, making you into the third head of her whore.  You’re trapped in the body of a huge-titted, fat-assed draconic prostitute, and you have to share it with two other horny heads!

Your new pimp, a dominant shemale antho shark, is eager to work you hard.  Getting you addicted to her cum, she’ll make you earn her some cash if you want to taste that delicious cock of hers.  Even if you manage to resist the strong temptation, the other two heads (Violet & Emerald) have different ideas and will frequently take control of your body to fulfill their own needs and desires.  Violet’s exhibitionism fetish and Emerald’s oviposition fetish will keep you a lusty mess most of the time, though the townfolk are used to seeing a deliriously needy Whoredra roaming the streets and will enjoy the show.  And with all three of you craving Anica’s cum, don’t be surprised if you end up crawling back to your new pimp, begging to taste her cock again and again.

Of course, you’re stuck in the body of someone who has been the town whore for years, so don’t expect the townspeople to treat you with much respect.  Even if you choose a different profession, they’ll still treat you like a cheap slut and the other two heads will only encourage them.  Your long time customers will grope and tease you, encouraging you to sell yourself to them — and sometimes the other heads will make you play with your body too.  An effeminate anthro bunny in the back alley will seek those flexible hydra tongues on his cocks, while a dominatrix panda will help get you nicely attired in an appropriately slutty and revealing harness. In the rowdy bar, a group of shady characters will hire the whoredra any chance they get, gang banging you in front of the entire bar.

Most of the town doesn’t really understand there’s three personalities inside the hydra, instead viewing you as just one needy, multiheaded slut.  It doesn’t help that you look and sound the same as the other two heads, and can’t even remember your real name from before Anica changed you.  You have a new, simpler, sexier name now, though most of your customers don’t bother to learn it.

The Whoredra also has long-standing relationships with some of the townspeople, so don’t be surprised when you stumble into the middle of their longstanding love triangle with Nova, the resident (kind of wannabe) alpha wolf who has fallen in love with the Whoredra.  Will you settle down with the shemale wolf, or push her away?

Your two new heads, Emerald and Violet, are affectionate partners.  They’ll shower you with love most of the time, but sometimes you’ll fight amongst yourselves.  It’s up to you to keep everyone happy by fulfilling their desires so you can stay in control… most of the time.  Learn their interests and keep them fulfilled to stay on top.  Or they’ll be happy to wrest control from you and do as they please.  Sometimes it’s a minor inconvenience, and sometimes results in permanent effects, such as in the case of Violet’s love for piercings and tattoos.  It’s her body too, and if you don’t keep her happy, she’ll decorate it as she sees fit.

The hydra is initially in a draconic form, something Emerald loves thanks to the propensity to end up with a huge egg-filled belly.  However, with your arrival, the hydra might end up in any number of multiheaded forms depending on what transformations you embark on.  You might simply remain draconic, or switch to a three headed foxgirl or even become a three headed, limbless sluggirl — the hydra heads will travel with you regardless of form you take.

Will you give into a life of whoring?  Or fight the lusty needs of the two other heads?  Challenge your new pimp and deliver sweet revenge to her, or submit to your new life and become the town whore, or even do both!  With 26,000+ new words, a host of new characters to meet and several new gameplay systems, the Hydra DLC update is now available to all active subscribers.

Non-pregnant Whoredra – 1920px or max res

Pregnant Whoredra – 1920px or max res

Chapter update art by the lovely Ghostbun.

Update Notes

The hydra DLC content is available exclusively to active subscribers at no additional charge beyond your existing subscription.  You can get it in the usual place (researcher intranet).  As with the Wyvern Male, it will not be released later to demo or legacy players.

However, there are some general purpose changes for everyone to enjoy:

  • Laying eggs will now lay actual egg objects in the world.  These can be eaten for HP recovery, and like slime, will eventually be cleaned up automatically.
  • Names can now be overridden for certain events.  This takes place with the hydra content, but also now takes place in the stripclub chapter.
  • New NPCs in Haven will comment on you if you’re naked, and may even grope you!  This will increase lust.
  • New text variable substitutions are available to modders to hook into the nakedness checks, as well as pass an arbitrary parameter field (this second bit isn’t yet available to modders, but if you want it, let me know!)
  • Prevent player from equipping tail clothing if they don’t have a tail.
  • All chapter selects now start as male because I am a huge mtf transformation slut.
  • Items can now silently check if they can be picked up or dropped without actually doing so (this change needs to be reflected into the entity mod API in future (#18, make a comment there if you need it for something you’re working on))
  • Clothing items can now be flagged as non-concealing, which means that they don’t hide transformations and contribute to nakedness.

Here are some note on the hydra content specifically:

  • The simplest and best way to start the hydra content is to use the Hydra DLC button in chapter select.
  • The login system has changed a bit, and you may have some stored out of date info if you’re a long time player (or have just now subscribed).  If you get a prompt that states you are not an active subscriber, then follow these steps:
    • First verify you are an active subscriber via the researcher intranet.
      • If you are an active subscriber, you should not see any legacy user message, and you should have game download links.
      • If you only just now signed up, remember BMT is (usually) instant, whereas Patreon does not take place until the first of the month (see FAQ for details).
    • Then in-game, go to the save or load screens and press the logout button.
    • Then log back in.
  • If you’re a legacy user who only wants to back for a month to play hydra and then unback: that’s no problem, just be sure to save to a different save file.
    • If you are a legacy user, become a hydra, save, then unback, you won’t be able to reload your hydra save until you reback.
    • This only affects hydra content — if you don’t become a hydra, it won’t affect your savefile.
    • So feel free to check out hydra, just save to a separate savefile from your regular game.
    • (Besides, it’s a good idea for all users to save hydra to a different savefile anyway due to the playable bad end included (see below))
  • This DLC is a change of pace from usual.  This puzzle is (hopefully) much simpler than Chapter 7!
  • New clothing items:
    • Harem outfit – unlike regular clothing, doesn’t provide any concealment — you’ll be fully exposed while wearing them.
    • Gold chains & bands – also doesn’t provide any concealment
  • Playable bad end – I don’t want to spoil too much, but depending on what actions you take (or the other heads take for you), it is definitely possible to get yourself into a spot where you’re forever stuck as a lusty whoredra.  This was originally a bug, but I found it unreasonably hot so it’s now a feature.  Enjoy :3
    • As mentioned, please save to a different savefile in case you get stuck and haven’t realized it yet!  There’s an in-game warning about this as well before you start the hydra transformation.
  • The hydra transformation theoretically works with all other transformations in-game.  This hasn’t been exhaustively tested, but I did try to make it fully compatible with both of the swamp TFs (frog + slug) as well as fox.  It should work with most all TFs/species though, including user mod TFs.

Whew!  That should about wrap everything up for The Whoredra.  Due to her unique gameplay, it was a much larger amount of work to bring her to life than I originally planned.  But given how heavily hydra TF was voted for in the poll, I really wanted to make it special.  I’ve personally enjoyed playing as her during the past months of development, writing, and testing.  I very much hope you enjoy playing as her, too!

WIP 37.9 – Hydra

WIP build r37.9 is now available to WIP backers.  This build contains the full set of functionality for the Hydra DLC, however, doesn’t have the text to go with it.  This means you can play though the Hydra TF and associated content with this build, but without the text to hint at the solutions, it will be very difficult to do so.

As always, it’s recommended to save to a different slot for WIP builds. Some of the text is copied into the save file, so some missing text will carry through save files if you play on WIP and then play on a Private build.

Almost all players will prefer to wait for the full Hydra release before they play. Once the story text has been written, it will be a more complete experience.  But you may wish to try it if you want a sneak peak of what’s coming in the full Hydra release, or to see what a build looks like when it’s in development.

To try it out, first unlock the sewer door as per normal, then interact with the various new NPCs in Haven.

Bug Database

We now have a bug database where game bugs can be added to. This is useful since my prior bug tracking solution is just a massive text file soup consisting of 1,100 lines of ideas, bugs, and notes.  Hopefully this keeps things more organized so they don’t get lost.

You can report bugs directly to the bug database by clicking Report Issue and filling out the form. Almost all fields are optional. No need to make a new account either, it uses your existing login information. Easy!

The bug database also helps tell me which bugs people care the most about being fixed — feel free to reply ‘+1’ or something to any bugs in there that are important to you. You can also click the ‘Monitor’ button and you’ll receive e-mail updates on the bug.

In future, I’d also like the ability for people to attach cloud save files to bugs, but for now it’s fine to just stash them in an unused slot.  I didn’t have time to figure avatars for the bug database, but maybe I’ll take another look after Hydra’s out.  Speaking of avatars — over on this blog, I had accidentally not enabled the option for blog profiles to have avatars uploaded to them. So now you should be able to set a blog picture for commenting should you wish to do so.

Survey: Methods of Chat & Update Notifications

The Hydra DLC is coming along slowly but surely — I ended up going a bit overboard with the logic on her, but I’m pretty excited about what it’s shaping up to be!  It will likely be one of the most technically complex transformations in the entire game.

In the meanwhile, please check out this survey on community discussion methods and preferred notification methods.

Login for blog comments & wiki

Wiki login had been broken for a long time, but should be working again now. Also, due to a lot of bot spam comments, the blog now requires a game account with a verified e-mail to post (but you don’t have to type a recaptcha every time anymore, either).

Minor note – there’s currently a limitation that blog accounts don’t have the same e-mail as any other blog accounts. So if you have more than one game account with the same e-mail, you’ll only be able to post comments from one of them.

Feature Poll

After the huge amount of content that was Chapter 7, I’m going to do some smaller (but still fun!) updates before tackling Chapter 8.

I’ve had some trouble deciding exactly what, so I’ve opened it up to voting. These ideas are from various blog comments and discord posts that I’ve A) seen recently, B) liked and want to implement, and C) remembered to jot down.

If you’re currently a Patreon or BMT subscriber, head over to the researcher intranet to cast your votes. You can vote for as many or as few features as you like.

The options are listed below (click Continue Reading if you’re on the main blog page).

Continue reading

Chapter 7: Aquatic Aquarium Released!

Infiltrate the Mulberry Aquarium and become one of the exhibits!

r37 is now released and contains the full release of Chapter 7.

In order to beat this chapter, you’ll need to use each of the advantages and get around the disadvantages of three different species:

  • Mermaids are beautiful, however, their active libido gains lust twice as quickly as a human would.  They’re great swimmers, but their heavy tail with its girly pink-purple scales makes moving around on land basically impossible for them.
  • The anthro sharks are strong, and given they have both legs and a tail, are highly versatile on land and on water.  Mermaids adore them, and always act subservient toward them (and if you become a mermaid, you will too).  But those powerful tails won’t easily be hidden inside pants.
  • Anthro whales are tremendously heavy — the largest transformed species by weight yet discovered.  Though their tails and fins could potentially be hidden, their fat bodies are simply too heavy with whale blubber to allow them to fit into any practical clothes.  As if getting out of the aquarium’s main exhibit tank wasn’t difficult enough, the new whale’s body will continue to put on more weight, making it difficult or impossible to even climb out.  If she somehow does manage to get onto land, she might find herself soon becoming a beached whale as her thighs thicken and walking eventually becomes impossible — not even able to properly ask for help since she can only make low whale calls.

Regardless of which species a subject ends up as, they’ll find it challenging to escape the aquarium.  Baosheng has taken over this facility and is rapidly helping visitors turn into exhibits — and they’re not keen on any going home.  Will you be able to complete your mission, or will you end up as a permanent addition to the wildlife?  Certainly visitors will enjoy getting to watch your exploits in the tank, as its an area rife with sexual activity.  The visitors also love to tease you in a hands on area the aquarium management like to call the petting zoo.  Perhaps they’ll even buy a pin-up of you, if you give the staff photographer a good opportunity to capture the right (incredibly slutty) moment.

The aquarium hosts a variety of new enemies to fight:

  • The Octomaid keeps a vigilant eye on the proceedings in her lair — get too close and she’ll lovingly dominate you.  She knows exactly where to stick all those leaky tentacles.
  • Shark dickgirls love to find new partners, although she cares a lot more about her own satisfaction than anyone else’s.  She can often be found shoving an eager mermaid against the tank’s glass and fucking her in front of an enraptured crowd of visiting tourists.
  • The male whale is lonely as the only whale in the aquarium, but he’s optimistic he’ll be able to make a new mate.  Once he’s got one, he’ll work hard to keep her docile by making her even more fat than he is.
  • A swarm of mermaids in the aquarium’s main tank is quite welcoming to newcomers, with mermaid orgies being a regular occurrence.  Get too close to one of the open pools and it’s likely they’ll abscond you into their horny ranks.

In terms of word length, Chapter 7 now has the most content in the game of any chapter thus far, with over 35,000 new words across the ch7 intro, the octomaid enemy, and this r37 update (itself about ~25k words).

Aside from this, r37 includes a number of other changes, as well:

  • Weight can now go much higher than before.  Currently only intended for the Whale species, very fat researchers will eventually no longer be able to wear clothing, then will have difficulty walking, and eventually won’t be able to move at all on land.
  • Several new faction points to discover and unlock.
  • Added ability for certain enemies to move (currently only used on one enemy).
  • New text variables: Species & Hair.
  • VCiV now has a barracks (including a treadmill).
  • Fixed situation where you could attack enemies in other rooms.
  • In-game subscribe link now links to this website instead of Patreon directly.
  • Fix for shark and whale fin TFs not occurring.

Active subscribers can access the build right now via the researcher intranet.  Legacy users will receive access to this build two weeks from now, or can elect to temporarily subscribe without losing their legacy status (reminder that purchases via BMT are activated instantly, whereas Patreon would not activate until it is billed next month).  As with all chapter content after chapter 3, this content will never be released in the free demo.

If you’ve been following along in #research-lab in discord, you know this chapter has been a big development undertaking with many components — thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy this latest chapter of the story!

Easier Private Build Menu

The private build menu was getting a bit ridiculously long, so it’s now cleaned up and simplified.

Old Menu:

(and continued on for several more years of old builds)

New Menu:

Also, Chapter 7 is nearing completion and will be available to play soon!

r36.9 WIP Released – Chapter 7 Missing Text Build

WIP build r36.9 is now available to WIP backers.  This build contains the full set of functionality for chapter seven, however, doesn’t have much of the text to go with it.  This means you can now beat chapter seven with this build, but without the text to hint at the solutions, it will be very difficult to do so.

As always, it’s recommended to save to a different slot for WIP builds. Some of the text is copied into the save file, so some missing text will carry through save files if you play on WIP and then play on a Private build.

Most players will prefer to wait for the full Chapter 7 release before they play. Once the story text has been written, it will be a more complete experience.  But you may wish to try it if you want a sneak peak of what’s coming in the full Chapter 7 release, or to see what a chapter build looks like when it’s in development.