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r41 WIP – New Engine is Playable (Non-Flash)

After much re-coding, the new engine is finally in a playable state!

This version is completely Flash-less, and will run right in your desktop web browser (tested in Firefox & Chrome).  Support for mobile browsers & a mobile progressive web app will be added in future.

Currently chapters 1~6 should be playable in the new engine, though these haven’t been thoroughly tested so there will likely be some bugs yet.  (Speaking of, if the minimap looks really weird, try refreshing the page to fix it.)

For now, this build is only available to WIP subscribers via the usual Researcher Intranet, though it will be rolled out to all active subscribers soon.

Cookies / Log-out

This is about seven years overdue, but the researcher intranet now supports cookies so you don’t have to manually log in every time.  You can also log out, too.

Automated Builds

In the Researcher Intranet, you will now see a new WIP build labeled “autobuild.”  This is currently available to all WIP subscribers and reflects the absolute latest content in source control.  Just like all WIP builds, these aren’t recommended for typical gameplay as they haven’t yet been tested.  However, it may be fun to take a look at the absolute latest changes to see what’s coming.

Similarly, there’s a new #builds discord channel, which gives a sneak peek into what’s being committed into source control as our trusty BuildBold tries to build each new commit and make it playable.

Currently, the #builds channel is viewable to everyone in Discord, though this may change to all subscribers, WIP, or no-one at all depending on if I’m working on something I want to surprise people with.  (Similarly, autobuild may sometimes be unavailable).

Artist Info Page

There’s now a specific page for people to find out about contributing art for the game.  Sign-ups for that are open on an ongoing basis, and we already have one super awesome TF sequence complete.  I won’t be revealing it until the accompanying game content for it is ready, but the artist did an amazing job and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Backend / CDN

Lots of changes and upgrades to various server stuff on the backend, including: new OS, improved caching on the blog, in process moving a lot of static blog assets to a CDN, etc.

Seeking Artists + Engine Status Update

Flash Version Still Playable

First, an important reminder that even though you can’t play the game in most browsers due to Flash’s death, you can still play the game outside of browsers.  Either download the standalone Flash Player Projector or install the APK on Android.  Instructions are on the download page.

Call for Artists

As we get closer to getting actual new content again, I’d like to prepare by meeting more artists interested in contributing chapter cover art.  If you enjoy drawing furry art, and want to do some for this game, please click here.

Non-Flash Port Progress

Work on porting the engine off of Flash is going well, with much of the recent work focused on getting the game to be playable with only a web browser (no install needed).  There is still more work to do here, but the basics are functional now.  It’s been a bit slow going as, among other challenges, I’ve had to learn a whole suite of new technologies.  However, I’ve been making progress and hope to have an early beta to backers before too long.  Again, thank you to everyone for your patience and support!

If you’d like to see some occasional work-in-progress screenshots, I typically post them to #research-lab on Discord.  (Although they’re probably not super exciting to look at yet :P)

Also — in case you were wondering about the previous DLC/mod vote, I do still have plans to get to it.  But once Flash stopped working in browsers, that bumped up the priority a lot for getting the port done as fast as I can manage it.  New TF content will be the thing I work on next, right after the new engine.

Today’s research blog art is by the very talented AnthroMage; I am definitely imagining this as a transformation sequence 😉

New Engine in Development + Patreon International Currencies + Poll

Here’s some updates on some behind the scenes work I’ve been doing on the project:

New Engine in Development

I know there’s been a lot of (justified) concern about Flash games no longer being playable at the end of the year, thanks to browsers dropping support for them.  Even well known web games like Farmville are shutting down entirely.  For us, the most important thing to note is the end of Flash is not the end of The Underworld.  This is because two reasons:

1)  The Flash version of the game client will still run, just not in browsers. On desktop you will still be able to play the game’s SWF via the standalone Flash player projector — slightly inconvenient, but still definitely playable.  And the Android APK will continue to work as normal.

2)  I am in the process of doing a full rewrite of the game.  This is a massive undertaking, but already there’s been tremendous progress.

Currently, the first five chapters are all fully playable in the new engine, using a test UI.  If you’ve been following the backer channel on Discord, you’ve probably already seen a bunch of early dev screenshots leading up to this latest one:

(Don’t worry dark mode fans, this is just test UI for now)

Currently, most all the core gameplay features like player state, maps, items, enemies, fights, transformations, acceptance system, visibility, pathfinding, etc are all in.  The remaining stuff is the additional chapters, DLCs, mod support, getting a proper front-end, save/load, and so on.  So there’s still a lot of work to do, but it’s getting there (no ETA yet).

For whenever the initial release is, I am planning for the first release to support HTML5 / web browser only.  If I do it right, you’ll be able to play the HTML5 version on Android/iOS web browsers, too.  But once the HTML5 version is working, I’m planning to get a version made for Windows EXE & Android APK.

The whole codebase is moving to C# now, which has a lot fewer idiosyncrasies than ActionScript and has already helped me find and fix a number of old bugs in the source code.  Flash has always had a lot of strange unfixable bugs based on which version of Flash player you’re using, and so I’m looking forward to those no longer being something to worry about.

Poll:  New Mod / Mini DLC

It’s been a while since I got to work on any content, so I’m planning on taking a break from engine rewrites and make some new (small) content.  I’m leaning towards mods and stories, since engine-independent content I wouldn’t have to immediately re-port from the old engine to the new engine afterwards.

You can help me decide how to spend the break in the current poll.  It’ll be the same total amount of time spent regardless of medium, so that means depending on which option is chosen, the amount of new content will vary with complexity.  Example:  For something like clothing, I could make a bunch of small clothing mods.  Whereas something like a complex scripted monster, would probably just be one enemy.  Alternatively, I could just write a TF fiction or something like that, which would be the most amount of content by wordcount, but be non-interactive.

Active backers can vote in the Researcher Intranet as usual for polls.

In terms of specifics, I’m still thinking over what I want to make.  Feel free to share your ideas in the comments and on our Discord server.

Patreon – International Billing / Multicurrency

(If you’re using BMT, nothing in this section should affect you)

Patreon is requiring all projects to support multiple currency options as of today, Oct 5th.

The upside is that if you’re in the UK or EU, you will soon(/now?) be able to pledge in your local currency.  If you are currently in those territories and pledging with USD, you won’t experience any change.  However, once the change rolls out to you, you’ll be able to opt into changing to your local currency.  At that time, any new patrons in those regions will be able to sign up with their currency, too.

Since this happened after the existing charge cycle for October, it shouldn’t affect anyone until next month’s charges on Nov 1 (and only if you opt in).

Please note that Patreon doesn’t charge the exact same for international currencies as the USD equivalent, as there’s an international transaction fee included in the cost.  It may be slightly more or less than what your bank would charge for the same service, so you may want to compare closely and see what’s the best deal for you.  (Based on my own personal credit card’s 3.5% international transaction fee, it looks to be about a $0.14 markup for their conversion service)

Unfortunately, supporting this change necessitated a complete and total rewrite of the pledging backend for our website.  It was fairly time consuming to do, but it’s now finished in time for the upcoming conversion.  It’s already up and running, and appears to have handled the October payments without issue.  However, please do contact me on e-mail or Discord if you have paid for October but not yet received game access.

Additional info on the multicurrency change can be found on Patreon’s website.


Finally, I want to thank everyone who has continued to support the project during the engine port over despite there not being any new content while I work on rewrites.  The rewrite is a long and arduous process, but it means the game will be able to have a longer term future outside of Flash’s death, so it’s important to get it done.  Your continued support allows that to happen, so as always, thank you for both your financial support as well as the encouraging comments on the blog and on Discord. <3