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Jan 1 Pledges Processed

Patreon was super fast this month with the charge cycle.  If you backed on Patreon for the billing cycle on Jan 1st, that’s now been processed and you should have access to your builds in the employee intranet.  Thanks for your support!

There are a couple users who had their cards declined — if you manage to work that out with Patreon and get a successful charge, give me an e-mail, discord PM or Patreon note.

There were also a couple users who have not linked accounts — I have PM’ed them via Patreon with next steps.

PS – Happy New Year~

r23.01 – Load fix

r23 broke loading certain saves from r22.01.  At least two cases of this is now fixed in r23.01.  If you can’t load a save file in r23.01 from r22.01, please let me know by posting here or on discord with your account name and save slot number.

r23 – Mod support for Entities and Clothes

r23 is now released to all private backers and includes the ability to mod in your own items and clothes into the game!  These can be simple text-only mods, or can be driven through LUA code.  The new build can be downloaded via the Researcher Intranet.

There’s a number of new sample mods available, including the cursed weight gain pendant which will cause you to gain weight continuously.  Try them out, and then make your own.  If you get stuck, ask questions on discord.

Note that while the mod system supports well over a hundred game functions currently, there’s still a lot of stuff it doesn’t support yet.  Notably, species TF support isn’t in yet, but is planned.  If you run into a wall due to functions not being exposed to LUA, please leave feedback on what you would like to build with the mod API but can’t due to current limitations. This helps inform future revisions of the mod API.

r22.5 WIP – LUA Modding

r22.5 WIP is now released to WIP backers via the Researcher Intranet.  It contains the basics for LUA modding.  It’s not full featured enough for any serious modding, as there’s only a handful of exposed functions, but it lets you poke around with the new modding tools and create code mods for the game.

To get started, try a sample mod or learn about how to create a new entity.

Also, editing on the wiki was broken for some amount of time, but it’s fixed now.  Sorry if you ran into that issue!

Nov 1 Patron Access

Patreon was super fast this month with the charge cycle.  If you backed on Patreon for the billing cycle on Nov 1st, that’s now been processed and you should have access to your builds in the employee intranet.  Thanks for your support!

There are a couple users who had their cards declined — if you manage to work that out with Patreon and get a successful charge, give me an e-mail, discord PM or Patreon note.