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r26 Released – Map Mods / Spider Dungeon

r26 is now released to private backers via the researcher intranet.  Its main feature is Map Mods, allowing you to create your own maps to explore in the game.

Two maps are provided to demonstrate this:

  • Sample Simple Map is a basic map demonstrating placing rooms, entities, and linking everything together.
  • Spider Dungeon is a more advanced map focusing on the custom Male Spider enemy:
    • Can you steal the treasure from the spider nest and escape?  Or will the spiders get the best of you and transform you into their mate, forever filling you with brood after brood of spider eggs…

Mod mapping also supports lua script, allowing scripters to define custom player respawn logic for their map.  This update also allows scripters to create Location objects via the Map class, as well as set the player location via the Player class.


Feature Suggestion Poll

March 1 Patronage Processed:  Patreon was a bit slow this month, but finally finished processing the pledges.  I have updated the intranet with everyone’s access.  If you still don’t have access but should, then please contact me using the e-mail address listed in the support section of the intranet.

(Update – there was a bug that prevented some people from accessing the portal — if you had problems earlier today, please try again now and if you still have any issues, please give me an e-mail)

New Poll:  The new poll system is up and running, with a new feature poll to go along with it. If you’re currently a Patreon or BMT subscriber, head over to the researcher intranet to cast your votes. You can vote for as many or as few features as you like.

The options are listed below (click Continue Reading if you’re on the main blog page).

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Patreon Reminder

Reminder that it usually takes a bit for Patreon to process all the transactions, so they haven’t been updated on the intranet yet. I’ll be keeping a close eye on Patreon and will update it as soon as the charges are complete.

If you’re a new backer, don’t forget to link your intranet account to your Patreon account in the intranet to avoid future delays afterward.

New Poll + Map Mods Soon

Within the next week, there should be two new updates — one for the game, one for the website.

Map Modding – The new build will unveil map mods, allowing you to place all your mods in interesting scenarios / levels.  If you want to get started on that, the tools are already available — check out the excellent Trizbort software to get started.

New Vote – A new vote will be set up soon.  I am writing a simple poll script for the website so you’ll be able to vote regardless of whether you back via Patreon or the new BMT subscriptions.  Note that it’ll work on the same monthly cycle as the builds do, so if you’re a Patreon backer, you’ll need to ensure you’re backed by the end of the month in order to vote in it (which is today!).

r25.01 Dinoian Fixes

The previous build accidentally broke the Dinoian chapter.  This is now fixed in r25.01, along with a few other fixes for that chapter, including:

  • Fixed a save/load issue where saving after Hanako begins teasing you but before the chapter’s transformation resulted in never getting transformed.
  • Fixed a few minor text bugs referring to your ‘missing’, or otherwise referring to what you look like before the TF instead of after.
  • And fixed the crash that prevented playing the chapter at all in r25.