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Survey: Methods of Chat & Update Notifications

The Hydra DLC is coming along slowly but surely — I ended up going a bit overboard with the logic on her, but I’m pretty excited about what it’s shaping up to be!  It will likely be one of the most technically complex transformations in the entire game.

In the meanwhile, please check out this survey on community discussion methods and preferred notification methods.

Login for blog comments & wiki

Wiki login had been broken for a long time, but should be working again now. Also, due to a lot of bot spam comments, the blog now requires a game account with a verified e-mail to post (but you don’t have to type a recaptcha every time anymore, either).

Minor note – there’s currently a limitation that blog accounts don’t have the same e-mail as any other blog accounts. So if you have more than one game account with the same e-mail, you’ll only be able to post comments from one of them.

Feature Poll

After the huge amount of content that was Chapter 7, I’m going to do some smaller (but still fun!) updates before tackling Chapter 8.

I’ve had some trouble deciding exactly what, so I’ve opened it up to voting. These ideas are from various blog comments and discord posts that I’ve A) seen recently, B) liked and want to implement, and C) remembered to jot down.

If you’re currently a Patreon or BMT subscriber, head over to the researcher intranet to cast your votes. You can vote for as many or as few features as you like.

The options are listed below (click Continue Reading if you’re on the main blog page).

Continue reading

Chapter 7: Aquatic Aquarium Released!

Infiltrate the Mulberry Aquarium and become one of the exhibits!

r37 is now released and contains the full release of Chapter 7.

In order to beat this chapter, you’ll need to use each of the advantages and get around the disadvantages of three different species:

  • Mermaids are beautiful, however, their active libido gains lust twice as quickly as a human would.  They’re great swimmers, but their heavy tail with its girly pink-purple scales makes moving around on land basically impossible for them.
  • The anthro sharks are strong, and given they have both legs and a tail, are highly versatile on land and on water.  Mermaids adore them, and always act subservient toward them (and if you become a mermaid, you will too).  But those powerful tails won’t easily be hidden inside pants.
  • Anthro whales are tremendously heavy — the largest transformed species by weight yet discovered.  Though their tails and fins could potentially be hidden, their fat bodies are simply too heavy with whale blubber to allow them to fit into any practical clothes.  As if getting out of the aquarium’s main exhibit tank wasn’t difficult enough, the new whale’s body will continue to put on more weight, making it difficult or impossible to even climb out.  If she somehow does manage to get onto land, she might find herself soon becoming a beached whale as her thighs thicken and walking eventually becomes impossible — not even able to properly ask for help since she can only make low whale calls.

Regardless of which species a subject ends up as, they’ll find it challenging to escape the aquarium.  Baosheng has taken over this facility and is rapidly helping visitors turn into exhibits — and they’re not keen on any going home.  Will you be able to complete your mission, or will you end up as a permanent addition to the wildlife?  Certainly visitors will enjoy getting to watch your exploits in the tank, as its an area rife with sexual activity.  The visitors also love to tease you in a hands on area the aquarium management like to call the petting zoo.  Perhaps they’ll even buy a pin-up of you, if you give the staff photographer a good opportunity to capture the right (incredibly slutty) moment.

The aquarium hosts a variety of new enemies to fight:

  • The Octomaid keeps a vigilant eye on the proceedings in her lair — get too close and she’ll lovingly dominate you.  She knows exactly where to stick all those leaky tentacles.
  • Shark dickgirls love to find new partners, although she cares a lot more about her own satisfaction than anyone else’s.  She can often be found shoving an eager mermaid against the tank’s glass and fucking her in front of an enraptured crowd of visiting tourists.
  • The male whale is lonely as the only whale in the aquarium, but he’s optimistic he’ll be able to make a new mate.  Once he’s got one, he’ll work hard to keep her docile by making her even more fat than he is.
  • A swarm of mermaids in the aquarium’s main tank is quite welcoming to newcomers, with mermaid orgies being a regular occurrence.  Get too close to one of the open pools and it’s likely they’ll abscond you into their horny ranks.

In terms of word length, Chapter 7 now has the most content in the game of any chapter thus far, with over 35,000 new words across the ch7 intro, the octomaid enemy, and this r37 update (itself about ~25k words).

Aside from this, r37 includes a number of other changes, as well:

  • Weight can now go much higher than before.  Currently only intended for the Whale species, very fat researchers will eventually no longer be able to wear clothing, then will have difficulty walking, and eventually won’t be able to move at all on land.
  • Several new faction points to discover and unlock.
  • Added ability for certain enemies to move (currently only used on one enemy).
  • New text variables: Species & Hair.
  • VCiV now has a barracks (including a treadmill).
  • Fixed situation where you could attack enemies in other rooms.
  • In-game subscribe link now links to this website instead of Patreon directly.
  • Fix for shark and whale fin TFs not occurring.

Active subscribers can access the build right now via the researcher intranet.  Legacy users will receive access to this build two weeks from now, or can elect to temporarily subscribe without losing their legacy status (reminder that purchases via BMT are activated instantly, whereas Patreon would not activate until it is billed next month).  As with all chapter content after chapter 3, this content will never be released in the free demo.

If you’ve been following along in #research-lab in discord, you know this chapter has been a big development undertaking with many components — thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy this latest chapter of the story!