Sylvi did a fun fan art of our Whoredra enjoying herself:
Writing version: 1024px or Full res PNG
No writing version: 1024px or Full res PNG
Thanks Sylvi! 😀
Sylvi did a fun fan art of our Whoredra enjoying herself:
Writing version: 1024px or Full res PNG
No writing version: 1024px or Full res PNG
Thanks Sylvi! 😀
r50 is now playable for all active subscribers and introduces…
Extended Play for Farm’s VCiV Ending
In the previous update, I introduced some content to revisit the characters from The Farm and see what had happened to them after the SkyCorp ending. Today’s update does likewise for The Farm’s VCiV ending route. In 3,000 new words, see what happened to Micky, Emily, and Sasha.
Easiest way to access this content is via Chapter Skip, under the “Extended Farm (VCiV Ending)” option.
Note – Micky in this route will be found in the extended meadow (the procedural dungeon area).
Second note – Unlike the other ending route, there is currently no way to escape from this ending (unless you sneak in some items in advance). Hope you like being a milky cow forever 😉
Shemale Dom(s) for Farm
In the VCiV post-ending content, a new minotaur has taken over The Farm. Her name is Doris, and while she is mostly analogous to Micky, she does have two new exclusive scenes for her (one lore, one horny). Her cum also has the special property of permanently increasing your milkiness. If you get fucked by her too much, you won’t be able to take more than a few steps away from a milking machine~
In addition, you’ll also find Horse Women in the extended meadow area (basically shemale genderswap version of Horse Men).
Note – if loading an old save, may need to re-enter the farm to trigger Doris taking it over.
Bug Fixes
Art by Sylvi of what a possible hybrid SuccuCowBee might look like.
This weekend marks the ten year anniversary of when I started work on The Underworld!
When I released the initial version, I didn’t expect how much people would enjoy the game or that they’d want to play more. I’ve been very encouraged by the positive comments and patronage over the years.
There’s been 83 releases total. Here are some milestones:
After rewriting the entire game in a whole new programming language, the game is better than ever! Today we’re up to 27k registered users and 1.3 million gameplay sessions. Back when I first started this, I never thought it’d have the following it does today.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this fun and exciting journey 🙂
Sylvi created some more great fan artworks!
The Gym Rat uses her weight transfer dildo and pendant collection to fatten you up (update notes)
Valery, a dominant Drakeling, transforms you into a horny Succubunny during the succubunny dlc
Thanks, Sylvi!
In the latest build, you can now return to The Farm and explore a procedural farm-themed dungeon. In addition, one of the endings for the farm chapter (the SkyCorp ending) has a couple new story scenes (~3,000 new words) so you can see what Sasha and Isabella have been up to in the intervening time. (I have plans for a future update that will also cover the VCiV ending in a similar way).
After getting an ending for the Farm chapter, the Extended content opens up after beating the Strip Club chapter. Quick start options for both endings have been added to the Chapter Select screen. For the SkyCorp ending, if you’re re-caught in the farm, you will be forceably transformed into a cowgirl once again. Micky has a new intro if he re-catches you directly.
Security has been stepped up, so escaping your milky fate will be notably more challenging. Beware — if you indulge in the bovine growth hormones to up your milk production, it’ll become impossible to move far away from the milking machine at all! It is definitely possible to get yourself trapped on the farm while in Extended mode.
Similar to past procedural dungeons, you can change the generation parameters to make larger or smaller dungeons by visiting Malory in VCiV HQ before entering the farm. By doing this, you’ll also have a specific intel objective item to seek out in the procedural dungeon and return to her (assuming you don’t just give in to your new life~)
Hybrid Cows
In addition to becoming a cowgirl again, you now have the option to become a hybrid cow. If you return to the farm as another species, for instance a fox, you will be able to ask Micky to change you into a foxcow. Showing up as a Dragon Queen will result in you becoming a Dracow Queen, and you’ll indeed both make milk and lay eggs~
Typically, hybrid cows will end up with milky F-cup breasts, including an extra row of breasts, an udder, some kind of tail, cow ears and non-dexterous hooves. The species name you’re referred to as will also be updated to include ‘cow.’
(This should work for most of the species in the game, but certain edge cases like supporting non-verbal speech hasn’t been done yet for the farm enemies)