Attack Flavor Text

Erihya suggested improving the monster attack text to recognize the player’s current body state.  I think this is a pretty great idea, and I’m happy to take suggestions for these texts.

I am working on getting a wiki/forum set up to document this system and be place to collaborate on these texts, but it might take a while.  In the meanwhile, here’s some information if you want to get started brainstorming/writing.

Each flavor text should specify these parameters:

FLAVOR TEXT:  What the text of the attack is.
TYPE: Choose one:  Monster’s Physical Attack Succeeded, Monster’s Physical Attack Failed, Monster’s Lust Attack Succeeded, Monster’s Lust Attack Failed
MONSTER: The type of monster attacking the player (Wild Fox, etc).  Some attack text may be vague enough to work for most monsters, and so can be labeled as ‘Generic’ (slug girls and some others won’t use the generic set)
BODY PART: Which part of the body the enemy is going after
TF TYPE:  The transformation state that body part is in (ie: human, fox, etc)
EXTRA CONDITION (Optional):  If some condition needs to be true in order for this to happen.  For instance, if the torso attack mentions breasts, then the [[BREASTS]] condition could be used to check the player has at least A-cup breasts.

Here is a list of body parts on the player that can be transformed:

TORSO (chest / breasts / stomach)
UBACK_ATTACH (Upper back attachment, ie wings.  May not exist)
LBACK_ATTACH (Lower back attachment, ie tail.  May not exist)
HEAD_HAIR (this is not really implemented/used yet)
UDDER (Usually doesn’t exist)
PENIS (Currently either Human or Horse)

Here is a list of TF Types:


And here’s the monster list — not all of them do both lust and physical attacks:

Dragon Disciple
Dragon Servant
Farm Horseman
Frog Minion
Minotaur Boss
Naga Queen
Nixie Boss
Slug Minion

I’ll work on getting a list of conditions and parser variables up on the wiki later, but that’s at least enough to get started with.

To take inspiration from one of Erihya’s suggestions, here is an example of one attack:

FLAVOR TEXT: [[MONSTER NAME]] sneaks up from behind to hug you, but you catch [[MONSTER HIS/HER]] reflection.  The moment [[MONSTER HE/SHE]] lays [[MONSTER HIS/HER]] hand on your back, you twist around.  The sudden actions sends your [[BELLY DESCRIPTION]] smacking into [[MONSTER HIM/HER]], causing [[MONSTER HIM/HER]] to stumble away.
TYPE:  Monster’s Lust Attack Failed
MONSTER:  Generic
TF TYPE:  Dragon Queen

17 thoughts on “Attack Flavor Text

  1. Ok before I start to get this done a few questions. First off with the dragon servants and Nixie boss wouldn’t it be impossible to access scenarios with them since the dungeon is only able to be entered as a dragon queen and seals itself off upon completion? Second does the Naga queen share the same “traits” as the dragon queen? ;)*

    • 1) Yes. I did a bunch of hardcoded text already this way. However, I’m trying to clean up a lot of that so that the monsters and dungeon can be re-used in future if need be. That shouldn’t limit the text possibilities since appropriate conditions can be added as needed

      2) Hehe, nope. Naga queen builds her empire by turning her crushed opposition into her new citizens 😉

      • To expand on #1 – I wouldn’t worry too much about text for those monsters fighting non-dragon queen players, we’ll just add the right conditions just in case.

  2. FLAVOR TEXT [[FROG MINION]] Lashes out her tongue towards you but it’s angle looks lower than usual. Then it hits its mark, your exposed [[UDDER]]! It wraps itself around a teat and pulls causing milk to shoot out! You moo in pleasure!
    Type: Monsters Lust Attack Succeeded
    Monster: Frog Girl
    Body Part: Udder
    TF Type:Cow

  3. FLAVOR TEXT [[FROG MINION]] Lashes out her tongue towards you but it’s angle looks lower than usual. It’s going straight for your exposed [[UDDER]]! However it fails to latch onto anything and just slaps itself against your udder, causing a bit of sloshing but nothing to major.
    Type:Monsters Lust Attack Succeeded
    Monster: Frog Girl
    Body Part: Udder
    TF Type:Cow

  4. FLAVOR TEXT [[FROG MINION]] Lashes out her tongue to attack! You prepare to block when suddenly it whips behind you!
    The tongue wraps itself around your [[LBACK_ATTACH]] and pulls causing you to Trumpet, Moo, Cry out, etc. (I have no idea what to put down or even if there will be a variable for damage sounds. Honestly just use cry out if there isn’t)
    Type:Monster’s Physical Attack Succeeded
    Monster: Frog Girl
    Body Part: Lower Back Attachment/Tail
    TF Type: Cow, Elephant, Dragon/Queen, Etc.

  5. FLAVOR TEXT [[FROG MINION]] Lashes out her tongue to attack! You prepare to block when suddenly it whips behind you!
    With a quick flick of your [[LBACK_ATTACH]] you stop her tongue from grabbing onto anything.
    Type:Monster’s Physical Attack Failed
    Monster: Frog Girl
    Body Part: Lower Back Attachment/Tail
    TF Type: Cow, Elephant, Dragon/Queen, Etc.

  6. Ok here we go.

    (Assuming that you get back into the dragon temple after defeating Nixie and she still has the pendant on her)
    FLAVOR TEXT [[NIXIE BOSS]] walks up to you slowly her swollen stomach swaying. She puts her hands on your body and slowly moves them down, “I see you’re carrying a far different load than what you had had a little while ago.” Her hands reach down towards your [[UDDER]]. “Good thing it’s useful for mine.” Suddenly she grabs a teat and shoves it up her vagina and squeezes! You moo long and hard! “Oh that loosens up things nicely, thank you ____”
    Type: Monsters Lust Attack Succeeded
    Monster: Nixie Boss
    Body Part: Udder
    TF Type: Cow

    FLAVOR TEXT [[NIXIE BOSS]] walks up to you slowly her swollen stomach swaying. She puts her hands on your body and slowly moves them down, “Oh my, it would seem there’s more.” Her hands reach down towards your [[UDDER]]. “I could use another dose.” Suddenly she grabs a teat and shoves it up her vagina and squeezes! You moo long and hard! “Oh that loosens up things nicely, thank you ____”
    TYPE: Monsters Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Nixie Boss
    BODY PART: Udder
    TF TYPE: Cow
    EXTRA CONDITION: Attack Has Already Been Used Once

    FLAVOR TEXT [[NIXIE BOSS]] walks up to you slowly her swollen stomach swaying. She puts her hands on your body and slowly moves them down, “Oh my, it would seem there’s more.” Her hands reach down towards your [[UDDER]]. “I could use another dose.” Suddenly she grabs a teat! You see where this is going and slap her wrist mis-angling the milk causing it to squirt into her face! She backs off stunned, while you unintentionally moo in achievement!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Nixie Boss

    FLAVOR TEXT [[NIXIE BOSS]] looks at you angrily. “Do you have any idea how heavy this is to constantly have?” She heaves her belly upwards and lets it drop. “Or the constant interruptions to lay these eggs?” As if on cue she groans and pushes an egg out. Sorting herself out she continues to say, “Well I guess you would but still! I ought to return the favor a bit!” With a swift quick her leg jabs your sensitive [[UDDER]]!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Nixie Boss

    FLAVOR TEXT [[NIXIE BOSS]] looks at you angrily. “Do you have any idea how heavy this is to constantly have?” She heaves her belly upwards and lets it drop. “Or the constant interruptions to lay these eggs?” As if on cue she groans and pushes an egg out. Sorting herself out she continues to say, “Well I guess you would but still! I ought to return the favor a bit!” She attempts to kick you but you predict it and step back! She angrily snorts but that can’t possibly hurt you.
    TYPE: Monster Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Nixie Boss

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON SERVANT]] looks you over and smiles. “Yes you will do nicely” She takes some grass out of her pocket and shoves it in your [[MOUTH]] “Have some of our grass straight from the courtyard.” as you slowly chew on it with your [[TEETH]]….The flavor is divine! It overwhelms your senses and your cow instincts cause you to break it down very slowly. However you start to notice your already large [[BREASTS]] and [[UDDER]] swelling. The [[DRAGON SERVANT]] comes up behind you and slowly starts to massage your swelling heavy [[BREASTS]] saying “Shh good girl you’re going to…..” You fail to hear her last words as the massage and heavenly taste of the grass cause you to pass out in a daze. You awaken possibly hours later noticing the [[DRAGON SERVANT]] smiling at you with soaked hands and some very large barrels behind her. “”Wha” you then notice the stone floor beneath you having three very large impressions. “You were incredibly useful for our queen. Now let’s see if we can’t get some more out of you.” She then resumes her fighting stance!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Dragon Servant
    BODY PART: Torso
    TF TYPE: Cow

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON SERVANT]] looks you over and smiles. “Yes you will do nicely” She takes some grass out of her pocket and attempts to shoves it in your [[MOUTH]] but you refuse to open it and shove her back.
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Dragon Servant
    BODY PART: Mouth
    TF TYPE: Cow

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON SERVANT]] remarks “These “assets” of yours could prove quite useful to our queen but I must double check something” She then slaps your [[BREASTS]] making them slosh and causing you great pain! “Yes, it would appear they are quite full indeed.”
    TYPE: Monster Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Dragon Servant
    TF TYPE: Cow

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON SERVANT]] remarks “These “assets” of yours could prove quite useful to our queen but I must double check something” She then reaches out a hand to slap your [[BREASTS]] but you cross your arms over them and jump back! “Disappointing.” She says, “It will appear I will have to try again.”
    TYPE: Monster Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Dragon Servant

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[ MONSTER HIM/HER]] runs forwards and grabs hold of your sensitive [[UDDER]] and proceeds to feel and slosh it around causing you to moo in delight!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: General

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[ MONSTER HIM/HER]] runs forwards and grabs hold of your sensitive [[UDDER]]! But before He/She is able to do anything you swing your hips forward causing your wrecking ball of an [[UDDER]] to swing as well, sending them flying!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: General

    FLAVOR TEXT [[MONSTER HIM/HER]] looks down at your [[UDDER]] with a thirsty look in their eye. With a quick dive they have grabbed a teat and proceed to try and squeeze it to quench themselves. However due to their lack of knowledge on how to do it all they do is pinch it so hard it sends a quick jolt of pain up your spine!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: General

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON DISCIPLE]] looks at you with a sadness in his eyes “Oh you poor thing those ‘assets’ of yours must be so heavy to carry all the time. Allow me to help with that a bit.” Suddenly he has his hands on your body but starts to soothingly massage and loosen up your [[BREASTS]] and [[UDDER]]! You feel like this is something you’ve needed for so long, making you moo complacently. “Yes that’s a good girl come with me” He slowly starts moving you somewhere but your dulled senses aren’t quite sure how to respond to this. He reaches into a closet and starts to slip a muumuu on you saying “You will be some lovely entertainment for our queen won’t you?” However the feeling of the muumuu on your body shocks you out of it! You push him away and tear him off but the massages sensation remains!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Dragon Disciple

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[DRAGON DISCIPLE]] looks at you with a sadness in his eyes “Oh you poor thing those ‘assets’ of yours must be so heavy to carry all the time. Allow me to help with that a bit. He tries to reach his hands out to touch you but you refused to be touched and jump away!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Dragon Disciple

    FLAVOR TEXT With a quick snort the [[DRAGON DISCIPLE]] stabs his elongated shaft into your [[UDDER]] causing you to moo in shock and pain!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Dragon Disciple

    FLAVOR TEXT With a quick snort the [[DRAGON DISCIPLE]] attempts to stab his elongated shaft into your [[UDDER]] but he misses!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Dragon Disciple

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[SLUG GIRL]] shakes her gooey body sending her slime flying! It lands on your [[UDDER]] sinking in a bit. Suddenly all the milk inside your [[UDDER]] starts to feel tingly, then it flares into an arousing sensation that causes your whole body to shake with lust! You let out a loud moaning moo!
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Slug Girl

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[SLUG GIRL]] shakes her gooey body sending her slime flying! However it just smacks uselessly against the sewer walls and fails to hit any part of you.
    TYPE: Monster Lust Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Slug Girl

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[NAGA QUEEN]] faster than lighting worms towards you teeth bared! With a quick bite she has sunk her teeth into your sensitive [[UDDER]] causing you to writhe in pain!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Succeeded
    MONSTER: Naga Queen
    TF TYPE: Cow

    FLAVOR TEXT The [[NAGA QUEEN]] faster than lighting worms towards you teeth bared! In a panic you jump to the side causing your heavy udder to swing! It hits her straight in the head and makes her come crashing down!
    TYPE: Monster Attack Failed
    MONSTER: Naga Queen
    TF TYPE: Cow
    (I think she has no lust attack right?)

    (Also I have no idea about enemies through chapters 4 and 5 as I don’t own the game so sorry for not fully finishing the cow character)

    (Lastly I wanted to add that last bit of individuality to characters so you can add it or don’t but I made some custom text for the cows Attack and Seduce.)

    You swing your hips in a circular motion causing your wreckingball [[UDDER]] to pick up momentum. Then you suddenly twist and smash your [[UDDER]] into your opponent!

    You swing your hips in a circular motion causing your wreckingball [[UDDER]] to pick up momentum. Then you suddenly twist but your [[UDDER]] goes swinging wildly and it send you crashing to the ground!

    You tease the enemy by grabbing your udders teats and slowly coat yourself playfully in milk all the while mooing sexually. The monster falls head over heels for it!

    You tease the enemy by grabbing your udders teats and slowly coat yourself playfully in milk all the while mooing sexually. The monster fails to see any sort of arousal to be gained from this.

  7. If you’re going to have flavor text, why not go a step further? I’ve always been a fan of things that are considered struggles that you have to break out of during combat. Ways to make it more interesting like the cow girls trying to milk you during combat and you can resist or let it flow to more complicated things like the Nixie trying to hold you back so you could lay an egg and start accepting it more and more. Perhaps even make a use for that golden cock ring during the battle with the naga queen as she tries to get it on you or something. Just some ideas.

  8. Is there any way I can get a public build for free? I know it’s selfish but it’s getting really annoying for me to constantly test certain things before writing text over and over again. I don’t know if the stuff I’m doing here is enough to justify that but it would really help me get stuff done faster.

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