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Discord locked my account / Moving platforms

As a heads up for anyone trying to contact me via Discord, my Discord account was sent to phone verification hell and I can’t get back into it.  If you sent any private message to me there in the past month, I did not receive it.

Going forward, if you need to contact me, please use:

  • Fastest methods:
  • Still OK, just slower methods:
    • Patreon DM (sometimes doesn’t notify me via email, but eventually I see it when I login)
    • Twitter DM (never notifies me via email, but eventually I see it when I login)
    • FA DM (never notifies me via email, but eventually I see it when I login)

You can try to find whatever account I’m on at Discord at the time, but please do not consider it a reliable way to reach me since I may end up having to cycle through many more discord accounts in future as Discord support is useless (more on that below).

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r53 – Drakeling Transformation

Return to the Dragon Temple and become a drakeling in the newly released r53 update.

Drakeling Lust

Drakelings are the horny, shortstack servants of the anthro dragons at the Dragon Temple.  If you return to the Dragon Temple as a human, you might just become a drakeling yourself~

You’ll quickly discover firsthand why drakelings have such a horny reputation — their body keeps them lusty at all times, and they take lust damage twice as fast as other species.  With such a needy body, no doubt you’ll start acting just as slutty as any other common drakeling.

Eager to Serve

Drakelings are genetically bound to obey their draconic superiors, and you’ll find the other dragons have no qualms about using this against you in a fight.  They might order you to stop making physical attacks against them, though fortunately you have other wiles at your disposal until the command wears off.  Drakelings are also highly mobile and have an easier chance of escaping a fight — unless, of course, they’ve been ordered not to for a few turns.

Accept your new Owner

The dragon temple NPCs have been converted to the dynamic dom system, so they now have individualized names, preferences, and the capability to become your new Mistress/Master.  These temple guards and servants are always looking for drakeling pets and slaves, and you’ll find once you’re transformed that they’ll be eager to claim you as their own.  If you accept one of the temple denizens as your Owner, they’ll be sure to put you in your place — giving you new commands to strip naked like a proper drakeling, claim your earnings as their own, or make you wear a collar that shows who owns you.

Steamy Scenes for Shortstacks

Player defeat scenes for both the Dragon Disciple and Dragon Servant have been updated with some drakeling-specific text/teases, and there’s also an all new defeat to temple dom scene centered around shortstack / mild~moderate size difference sex that will sometimes play if you’re drakeling height.  Additionally, there’s a new sequence that plays in the drakeling den room where the massive, half-brood stud Valeska comes by and uses you as an onahole — good thing drakeling pussy is stretchy!

Draconid owners will also get horny over time and occasionally seek you out to use you — even if you’ve left the temple.  If they find you in the wrong form, there’s a short scene for your Owner to re-transform you back into your proper drakeling body.

There’s around 7,000 new words in total for the drakeling content.

Become a Pet or Slave

There’s now a notion of what sort of flavor of ownership a dynamic dom has/wants over you.  Each temple dom will have their own preference on whether they’d like you to be a pet-type drakeling or slave-type drakeling, which is shown on the dom information page before you accept/reject the ownership request.

In addition to the temple denizens starting to call you pet or slave, the collar you receive is also different for each type.  Pets will receive a cursed pet collar that can only be decursed by Arya (as usual).  This pet collar also has a leash permanently attached to it that enemies can grab onto, decreasing the likelihood of escape during combat encounters.  Meanwhile, slaves will receive a slave collar with a short chain.  The slave collar is permanent, and has a short chain that doms can tug on during intimate scenes.  However, the chain isn’t long enough to affect your escape chances.  Both kinds of collars are transformative to keep you in your drakeling form.

There are a few ways you can become a drakeling:

  • Return to the Dragon Temple and participate in the initiation ritual:  Revisit the Dragon Temple as a human after finishing Chapter 4. One way to do that is to chapter skip to Chapter 6, then walk over to the Dragon Temple, and lose a fight there.
    • If fully human, you will have a 45% chance of being turned into a drakeling during the ritual.
    • You can increase this to a 100% chance by consuming a single Rock Candy before the ritual (the ritual will choose which dragon transformation is furthest along and enhance that).
  • The debug rooms have a new drakeling room with various drakeling transformation items (top right) that can either partially or fully transform you:  Rock Candy, Drakeling Bangle, Drakeling Pet Collar, and Drakeling Slave Collar.
  • Drakeling beer has long been available at the tavern, but now it is drinkable.

Misc Changes

  • Generic, non-transforming versions of the pet collar and slave collar are now available at the Trading Post.
  • Lots of new game text variables to reference NPC body, player’s submissive type (breeder/pet/slave/etc), and more.
  • Fix bug #135: Having multiple procedural dungeons open can potentially cause load to fail.

Today’s update art is AI generated with some manual correction painting/compositing in Krita.

r52 – Breeder Slugs Get Milked

This build introduces a new character, Ash.  Shi is a frogdra (frog dragon) who works the slug still.  As you may have noticed if you became a breeder slug, it can be quite difficult to deal with all those milky tits with no hands!  Fortunately, Ash is now available and shi is happy to help milk you.  You can find hir in the procedural swamp dungeon next to the still (if you have an old save and already generated a sewer dungeon, don’t forget to close/open the procedural dungeon door so shi can be spawned).

There are a few ways to get hooked up to the still:

  • If you’re not a slug / you have dexterous hands, you can still hook yourself up by yourself.
  • You can ask Ash, and shi will help (as long as shi’s not otherwise distracted).
  • Your AlphaSlug dom will demand you get milked if you’re both located at the slug still and you are milky enough.
    • (Bonus: if your dom has a weight gain kink, they’ll also request the feeding tube for you.)
  • If you die in anywhere in the sewers and are milky enough, someone will take you to the still to help you out.

Each of these scenarios have slightly different flavor text.

Getting out of the milking contraption might be more tricky.  It’s easy to get too horny and just ‘moo~’, or if you have the nutrient tube inserted your voice will be distorted.  And just because you’re being milked, doesn’t mean your Alpha Slug dom won’t take advantage of you~  Ash also sometimes has hir own errands or activities, so shi might not be available exactly when you’re ready.

Ash doesn’t have any sex scenes (at least not yet, perhaps that’s something people might like to see?), but shi does have some lore written for her backstory you can ask hir about.  All told, there’s about 5,200 new words between lore and various ways to get hooked up / disconnected.

Dom Kinks

There’s now the beginnings of a kink interest system for Dynamic Doms (so far Alpha Slug), so different doms will have different interests.  This is now shown via a ‘Dom Profile’ button on them:

For now, this is just weight gain, but I may expand this in future to have different behaviors different doms might do based on what things they like.  (Note: if you dislike weight gain and have the ‘high metabolism’ aspect enabled in order to skip most weight gain content, all doms will dislike weight gain and it won’t be shown in the UI).

Weight Calculation Modes

On the topic of weight, there is now a new optional challenge setting when setting up your character:

If you’re feeling bold, you can set this to ‘stacking.’  When enabled, this will make your total weight the combination of pregnancy weight and fat weight.  (Normally the system takes the higher of the two values.)  This will almost certainly lead to some areas being difficult/impossible, or otherwise possibly getting stuck.  However, it can make for a fun challenge or you can just enjoy getting to be a chonky dragon queen~

Recommended Steps for Accessing Slug Still

As a reminder on how to become a breeder slug / become a milky slug:

  1. Chapter skip to 6 or 7 (after when the extended swamp dungeon opens up).
  2. Head north to Malory and take on a side (procedural) mission to the sewers (bonus points if using level limit option).
  3. Once in the sewers, lose to a slug in order to become a slug (frog should work too).
  4. Open the XDoor to head into the procedural dungeon.
  5. Accept an AlphaSlug as your Owner so you become a breeder slug.
  6. Get knocked up (may take several sessions to get knocked up).
  7. While exploring the procedural slug dungeon, you’ll find a slug still + attendant.

Misc Changes

  • Slug still now milks you over a series of steps, as opposed to all at once.
  • Fix for bug #134 – Slugs gripping their breasts with non-existent hands.
  • There is now basic support for lower body tits, such that they will show up in the character description (currently only enabled for titslugs).
  • Numerous new text variables (change list).
  • Some minimap fixes regarding two maps shown at the same time bug.
  • Once in the extended sewer content, if you die in sewer and are a swamp dweller, you’ll respawn there.
  • NPCs that use the Activity system now save/load their activity states.
  • ‘MOVE’ text variable now returns species-specific movement verb (‘walk’, ‘worm’, ‘waddle’ etc).
  • NPC pathfinding now works in procedural maps.
  • Activity system can now put buttons on entity look scene.
  • Maps keep track of whether they’re loaded or in the process of being unloaded.
  • Renamed some of the weight functions for consistency, including the mod interface.  (I also updated the one mod that uses this function to use the new function name).

Server Upgrades

There is a new gameplay server for the North America region — now one for both West & East!  (If you are in Central, the East server should give pretty good pings)

In addition, all four regions have been upgraded for better, more consistent responsiveness:

Wiki server has also been upgraded.  I have some upgrades planned for the other non-gameplay servers (website, etc) this summer, but will do another game update before I get to them.