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Chapter 6 Status Report

Internal company memorandum re: next private build of research materials.

Chapter six is coming along slowly but surely.  This chapter is all about one of our most useful specimens, the Dinoians.  It would be nearly impossible to travel the vast desert wastelands without the use of our scaly, saurian mounts.  Any researcher traveling to the underground R&D facility has undoubtedly ridden one.

Researchers should be particularly careful when handling any Dinoian bindings.  Although SkyCorp Global is generally able to engineer the environment of their extended workforce so as to prevent them from shifting in form once assigned to a particular location, Dinoians naturally have to cover large tracts of land during their duties.  To ensure they stay in their intended form, their bindings are specially designed to be almost impossible to remove.  The special collars, cuffs, bands, and saddle will self-replicate across the subject as needed.

Occasionally, a subject forgets their employment agreement and attempts an unauthorized transformation.  Even if they manage to remove one binding, the other bindings will automatically replace it within moments.  This safety precaution helps prevent riders from getting stranded in the vast desert wasteland.  However, more than one careless researcher has found themselves with new duties after improperly handling the bindings.


Vis-à-vis status of chapter six: most of the introductory scenes are written.  In terms of size, this chapter is on track to be huge.  Just the introductory scenes are almost as many words as some previous entire chapters.  The desert area has so many rooms, the map system has to be updated to efficiently render such a quantity.  So it will still be a while yet until chapter 6 is playable, but it will be worth the wait.

If you were watching blog comments, you may have noticed I changed the name of these guys from ‘Lizlands’ to ‘Dinoians.’  May change them again as I feel out the best name for them.

To researcher Hido’s inquiry about Patreon (as well as a couple others who have written in about PayPal support via Patreon), I have a work in progress preview page set up here.  The exact rewards are still TBD, but the primary one is Private Builds, which is the same one-time cost as it is at BMT.  Also brainstorming potential recurring rewards, including automatic unstable dev builds.  However, since pre-release dev builds are by their nature broken, incomplete, and otherwise not of playable quality, I may scratch that idea entirely (if they were actually ready for release, I’d just post it as a private build).  There’s some more details on how those builds would work on the preview page.  Leave a comment if you have other reward ideas (or are an existing backer who is vehemently against the idea of a Patreon for this project — it’s still only an idea at this phase).

r20 – Public Build

r20 is released in both public and private versions.  Since r19, the changes are:

  • Bug fixes for Cloud Save – This should fix the issue where downloading the SWF caused save/load to stop working
  • Autologin feature (for private builds) – It can be annoying to have to login every time you play the game to save/load, so now private builds do this automatically.  Each downloaded SWF is now customized for the logged in user so login credentials don’t have to be typed in again after download.  Currently APK does not support this, but it may be supported in future.

If you haven’t played since the last public build, the major new public feature are:

  • Custom Name Entry
    Research subjects can now enter their own names instead of using default assigned ones.  Both masculine and feminine versions will be prompted for.  If the subject’s sex changes, then they will start to refer to themselves using the alternate name upon reaching 100% acceptance.
  • Save/Load
    The Underworld uses cloud saves so you don’t have to worry about losing your savegame due to Flash cookies going missing.  You can resume play between browser clears, incognito mode toggles and even across devices.The save system is new and highly experimental.  Save files saved on one version may not necessarily be compatible with all future releases.  If you have trouble loading a save file which was both saved and attempted to be loaded on the latest released version, then please leave the save file as-is and report it as a bug.  Include: 1) your account name, 2) the save file number, and 3) the build number.
  • Mobile/APK support
    On the splash screen, there is now a button you can press to enter a new mode which makes the game much easier to play on phone / tablet / touch devices.  It modifies the UI layout by increasing the size and distance between the buttons and resizing various other UI components.  Text windows can also now be scrolled by swiping them up/down.  Button hover states are removed in this mode since touchscreens will often keep the cursor at the last touched location.For players on Android, an APK build has been created that you can install directly as an app.  This web page has some tips on how to install APKs.  The game will try to detect if its on a touchscreen or not, but if it fails, just toggle between Desktop Mode and Mobile Mode by using the new button on the start up page.

It’s been a while since there was a content build, so r21 will be new content sexytimes.

r19 – Save/Load Added

r19 adds support for saving game progress.  The Underworld uses cloud saves so you don’t have to worry about losing your savegame due to Flash cookies going missing.  You can resume play between browser clears, incognito mode toggles and even across devices.

The save system is new and highly experimental.  Save files saved on one version may not necessarily be compatible with all future releases.  If you have trouble loading a save file which was both saved and attempted to be loaded on the latest released version, then please leave the save file as-is and report it as a bug.  Include: 1) your account name, 2) the save file number, and 3) the build number.

This feature will be available to public build players with the release of the next public build, which is planned to be r20.

Research staff can download r19 from the private employee intranet as either SWF (Flash) or APK (Android).

r18 – Monster Mods, Male Spider, and Custom Name Entry

Monster Mods (Private build feature)

Researchers now have access to a new debug tool that allows them to create their own enemies.  Use the Debug Monster Control Panel to input Monster Code.  A new monster will then be created in the adjoining room.  Monster Code can be generated without programming knowledge using the SCLab utility.  Researchers are encouraged to post their monsters to the wiki.

New Enemy: Male Spider

A new enemy has been discovered: the Male Spider.  He traps unwary victims in his web and transforms them into female spiders.

The male spider is a tough opponent.  A level 3 player with full health & empty lust can usually take him on, but any status effects (eggs, heat, etc) will tip the balance in his favor. It’s very difficult to get out of his web, so arrive fully prepared unless you want to become his mate!

He weighs in at approximately 1900 words and is implemented using the new Monster Mods system (copy his Monster Code from the wiki and paste it into the control panel’s input screen).

Custom Name Entry

Research subjects can now enter their own names instead of using default assigned ones.  Both masculine and feminine versions will be prompted for.  If the subject’s sex changes, then they will start to refer to themselves using the alternate name upon reaching 100% acceptance.

Research staff can download r18 from the private employee intranet as either SWF (Flash) or APK (Android).

Update: r18.02 released – There were a few bugs with monsters not attacking players in r18.  Please use the newly released r18.02 instead.