A Entity mod for The Underworld.
Created by yaflow9
Debug tool / item used to progress the player's transformation, one step at a time.
Press the "Use" button to transform the player
Drop the item to switch the selected specie.
If you want to transform into a specie that's not yed loaded, please load it. (You should be able to load the mods in the order you want)
- Made the drop better (You only truely drop the item at the end of a cycle
- Displays the species that is selected and the selectable in the description
- Added missing species (thanks to jfmherokiller for pointing them out)
- Made it clear which mods are loaded and which aren't
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Created: 2020-02-19 16:55:26. Last updated: 2020-07-15 20:23:10
To install this mod, visit the Debug Monster Control Panel in the Debug Rooms in-game and browse to this mod using its interface.